Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Green Knight is one sly man, but no goodfella

Greetings once again to all my fellow members of the round table.

I can understand why Gawain would want to duel with the Green Knight. He may be my brother, but he is still foolish. The Green Knight was extremely confident in his abilities from the start of the proposal. Our mother did not raise us to be fools yet Gawain still takes on a challenge that is risky to all. It may be the fact that he is younger and feels the need to prove himself. It may even be that he wants to please King Arthur. I could have sworn I have told him time and time again that when you fight for Arthur it results in your death or you simply kill lots of people. The end result is always death never anything truly worth fighting for.

 For instance in the situation the Green Knight shows up to Arthur’s court and challenges anybody to a duel. Also, there are stipulations put into effect where the challenging knight even is rewarded a free strike upon the Green Knight. This just seems too good to be true my foolish brother being the young naive knight that he is would go and accept such a tempting challenge. I for one would never accept a challenge like this. It should be obvious that the Green Knight is either one of two things; extremely experienced in combat, or he is playing some sort of trick. Any knight would jump at the chance to win a battle especially one where you get to have a free strike. The Green Knight bated Arthur’s knights, anticipating that at least one would wish to challenge him.
 C’mon now I cannot express it enough if it seems too good to be true it usually is. I respect the Green Knight’s style though. He is tricky and clever and is playing on other people’s attributes, allowing them to believe that the battle will be short and sweet. Little do they know he has and ace up his sleeve. I guess stealing people’s girls runs through Gawain and I’s blood. Luckily my foolish brother was able to obtain the girdle from the woman or I would have had to go and kill the Green Knight myself. I may not respect Arthur and I may scold basically every knight, but I do care for family especially my brother Gawain.
 So, if the Green Knight is to kill my brother he best believe he will see me tomorrow and if not the next day and so on until I find him and kill him myself.


P.S. Green Knight be careful these maidens aren’t loyal out here 


  1. Mordred,
    Maybe your brother is no fool. Perhaps he just answers to a higher authority than even King Arthur. Your brother is answering a call that few of us would dare to as you have said. Let us keep in mind that the Green Knight was carrying holly for a reason. Perhaps his motive for this highly unusual challenge is for an honorable reason. After all, wouldn't he have slaughtered everyone and taken hostages if he wanted to? Perhaps the courage of your brother comes from his belief in himself.

  2. You believe your brother to be foolish for not questioning the purpose of the Green Knight's challenge. Art thou suggesting, then, that every knight is foolish, since you claim any knight would jump at the chance to win a battle with a single, free strike? None of Arthur's knights jumped at the chance; each of them, including your brother, must have had reason for apprehension. If your brother should be seen as foolish, it's only because he thought he had so much to prove and held himself to such unrealistic standards. Can we truthfully expect him to be any different than that when the world has given and taught him his perspective? You're a good brother, but you ought to try and teach him better before you denounce his actions!

    -Lady of the Lake
