Monday, February 22, 2016

The Headless Green Man

Good morn fellow lords and ladies!

Have you all heard about the story of Gawain and the mysterious Green Knight? I myself have only heard the beginning of the story, but am extremely curious to see how it is to end. I mean, seriously, Arthur was looking for a story, and I believe he certainly got one in the Green Knight. Who would ask someone to strike them with an axe and then continue to speak with their severed head in their hands?

I also think that Gawain, though he is far from being as amazing as my true love Lancelot, was very brave when he offered to take the axe over Arthur, as he knew that in a little over a year's time he would have to suffer the same fate as the Green Knight. However, I'm sure we all know that Gawain is not magical and therefore would not be able to survive like the Green Knight did.

After all, what exactly is this man the Green Knight? He is certainly not human, that much I know for sure. I have to say that I am extremely glad that my Lancelot was smart enough to sit this one out. I'm sure he didn't have me in mind when he decided not to be the one to strike the giant, but I like to think that he believes he has something to live for, whether it be me or that harlot Guinevere. Regardless, I am happy that my love will not be suffering the same fate as poor Gawain.

I am curious to see how exactly this story will end, and I hope for Gawain's sake that he will live to tell the story himself... Although I believe if he did survive that I would be hearing this story straight from the horse's mouth. But hey, you never know, right?

Until next time, beauties!
Love and lilies,
Elaine of Astolat


  1. Lady Elaine! I am surprised at you! Were you not describing a fortnight ago the pain Sir Lancelot had caused you? Now you are glad he was not on Sir Gawain's dangerous quest? For Lancelot, Gawain and all knights, I think the business of making ironclad vows is more trouble than it is worth. It seems to only bring misfortune to knights and those of us that love them.

    -Lady Bertilak

  2. Lady Elaine,

    What a great story the Green Knight has for us! You're so right, his actions are so magical, especially speaking after his head was chopped off. If it is something I am not capable of doing then it has to be pretty damn amazing! I am also happy Lancelot chose to not strike the giant, I just hope he wants to live for you Lady Elaine, and not my wife Guinevere.

    -King Arthur

  3. Lady Elaine,

    You are so right, this story is so exciting to hear about. I mean how crazy is it that Arthur refused to eat until he decided a story and in comes this giant green man?! It is crazy to think that his head was chopped off and he was still able to say he was going to do the same as Gawain in exactly a year. You're right hopefully he does live to tell the rest of the tale. But anything is possible in Camelot...

    Farewell for now,

    Sir Balin
