Sunday, March 6, 2016

Arthur, Merlin, and Knights: another version.

My fellow peers,

I must admit that I was relieved that I was able to read a story that told me a story about Arthur and how he came to be the King of Camelot, setting some long standing curiosity. Yet when thinking about how much I really know about it, how Arthur was chosen to come to become the King, We are once again told he story of how Arthur was conceive, however there were some differences that were in the details of how I feel about the deception of Uther and Meriln. Other differences show the different feelings of how Uther came to deception and his true feelings. I find it interesting how the timing was able to be determined despite the war that was going on. After the death of King Uther, the story is what is normally thought of in the modern world is closer to what we expect.  The sword in the stone, the old wizard Merlin, and the hundreds of people that are there to try the stone as well. I was surprised to learn that my son did not know what the situation of his birth was, yet I was thrilled to be able to be reunited with my son again.
Keeping track of the different kings during the 12 kings war, was a little confusing.

The story of "Balin, or the Knights with the two swords” appears the be a continuation of the previous story until around the middle of story. Like the other stories that have been read there is not much background with what the story is about, the Knight with two swords.

While I was reading the story, The War with the Five Kings” I knew that Merlin knew that he was going to die however, he stills go with Nyneve, yet in this story love is not something that is mentioned in throughout the story like in the “Prose of Merlin.”

Till next time my fellow bloggers


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