Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hello again to all of you beautiful people,

These stories were definitely interesting to hear about, am I right? I mean we have heard these stories all before but Sir Thomas Malory did tell us about these tales in such an interesting way. We all knew that King Uther slept with Igraine and Arthur was made between these two. What we did not know was that Uther and the Duke were not on friendly terms. So how did he think it was okay to sleep with her when he wasn't even friendly with her husband.

However, I don't mean to be cocky but I do believe that one of the best stories that Sir Malory told us was the Knight with the two Swords. This story was interesting to hear because we got to hear how forgiving King Arthur is. Fortunately he let me out of prison to help the lady. Interestingly enough I was the only knight who was able to pull the sword off of the woman. I don't know about any of you, but I think this sounds a lot like King Arthur and the stone.

King Arthur was the only person who could pull that sword out of the stone. They even put the sword, Excalibur, back into the stone and Sir Kay did not have enough strength to pull it out.

But back to me, thank the lord he let me out of prison so that I could go on a journey to a castle. Unfortunately what I failed to inform you all about the first time was the fact that I had to fight my own brother. And in the end, this tale turned out to be a tragedy when I killed my brother and he killed me. Not everything is parties and glitter in Camelot.

Until next time everyone,
Sir Balin


  1. I stand by my actions with Igraine and regret nothing #yolo #sorrynotsorry #kingstatus


  2. Sir Balin,
    It is awful when we have to die for the one we love, but in your case, I'm not sure "tragedy" would be the correct term. At least your brother loved you! Wouldn't it be terrible if, I don't know, you loved someone and they didn't love you back, so your heart broke and you literally DIED OF HEARTBREAK? Or perhaps it would be worse if you were FLOATING DOWN A RIVER and they DIDN'T EVEN CARE? Forgive me Balin, I know we're talking about you here. After all, I'm over Lancelot and his gorgeous face anyway... I promise! Just look at it this way, Sir Balin. It could always be so much worse.
    Love and lilies,
    Elaine of Astolat

  3. Just for clarification, no one but King Arthur is able to pull the sword out of the stone. It had nothing to do with my strength. It happened because it was not my destiny. Looking back now I see I was very immature in claiming that I was the one that pulled the sword out. As King Uther put it #sorrynotsorry

    Sir Kay (Jillian Kasner)

  4. I, Tristan, know a thing or two about sleeping with ladies when you are not on good terms with their husbands. My lovely Isolde is married to my Uncle, King Mark, and we're not exactly friendly. I think that as long as the lady is your true love and she has been married to someone she does not love against her will it is probably all right. I think the most horrible thing Uther did was to disguise himself so that Igraine would think he was her husband. When she was staying at Uther's castle Igraine did not want to be his mistress so I would think she would not have been willing to sleep with him had she knew he wasn't really her husband. It was unfair to deceive her this way.
