Sunday, March 6, 2016

Just another point of view

Greetings to the members of this fine round table,

Sir Thomas Malory's accounts are interesting to say the least.
King Uther, with the help of Merlin, laid with Igraine and that night conceived a child, which later is named Arthur (yes, king arthur). But we knew this already. What we didn't know though was that Uther and Igraine's husband did not like each other. I don't see how this would excuse his behavior though, especially since her husband had just died hours before Uther laid with her. That's pretty rude if you ask me, I mean her husband just died, give her some space.
I enjoyed learning more about the sword in the stone. I found it rather amusing that Arthur could pull the sword out with no issue, but when it was returned to the stone, Sir Kay could not pull it out with all of his might. This gives us that nostalgic "fairy tale" feeling that we have been getting only glimpses of as we read these tales. 

isn't is beautiful?
One other part of this reading that struck me as odd was the part when Morgan le Fay gives Arthur a sword and scabbard that were false, which almost killed him in his battle against Accolon of Gaul. It was Accolon who had the excalibur and used it against Arthur. Morgan is Arthur's half sister, why is she trying to have him killed? If I was Arthur, I would have been pissed. She switched his sword!
what i imagine arthur was thinking when he realized what morgan had done
Until next time,


  1. Lady Guinevere,

    Your husband the King is indeed a remarkable man. Though born in deceit and out of lust, in manhood he has proven his great worthiness by the sword in the stone and his incredible bravery at the hands of Sir Accalon and the treachery of Morgan. Indeed, I am proud to call myself the nephew of this gracious lord.

    Yours obedient,

    Sir Gawain, the Knight of the Surcoat

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dearest Daughter-in-law,

    To each their own, amiright? Without me laying with Igraine, you would not be with your "beloved" Arthur (yeah I went there).


  4. Your husband was a brave and magical man. How he got the sword out of that stone and killed Accolon without his own weapon I will never know. But what I do know, is that his half sister, your half sister in law, is what we giants call, a real bitch.

    Best of luck

  5. Guinevere it is clear Arthur is hiding something! To add onto Ysbaddaden's thought doesn't it concern you how he managed to pull the sword out and kill a man without a weapon.

    I'll see you soon
