Sunday, January 31, 2016


I am the son of King Cylidd Wledig and Goleuddydd. Unfortunately, before my birth, my mother lost her sanity and died shortly after. I was born in a Pig Run, and my birth was a secret. I was raised (in hiding) by a swineherd until I came of age. My father was not always a king. As a matter of fact, my father killed the king and chose his wife to be my mother's replacement. His new wife has a daughter. Of course, the Queen is unhappy with the circumstances, and is even more upset that the Now King does not have a direct heir. She found out that I exist and approached me, begging me to marry her daughter ensuring that there would be a succession when my father died. 

I had to say no, for reasons of my own, which upset her even more. She cursed me, saying that I would "marry no-one but the beautiful Olwen, daughter of Ysbaddaden Pencawr, king of giants." I hadn't met her, but I fell in love with Olwen. I had to search for her, but the only way I would ever find her was through my cousin, the famed King Arthur. I went to his court, and he sent out scouts to find her, but to no avail.

 My friend Cel insisted that we go look for her ourselves. Arthur picked six of his finest men to join me on my search, including Cai, Bedwyr (Sir Bedivere) and Gwalchmei (Sir Gawain, Arthur's nephew). We came across the home of a shepherd, who's wife (my aunt) beggged us to give up our search for the lovely Lady Olwen because all of the men who go in search of her are never seen again. 

Of course, I was too stubborn to give up that easily, and my uncle told me that my beauty goes to his home every Saturday to wash her hair. As promised, she came on Saturday, and she was the most beautiful woman I had, and will ever see. She seemed to return my affections, but Ysbaddaden is fated to die when she marries, and I will only gain his approval if I successfully complete a list of tasks.

We followed my future bride to her home to meet her father, where I was given this list of tasks. Needless to say, because I am gallant and skilled, I completed the list, earning my fame, and Olwen's hand in marriage. Ysbaddaden dies (which is completely my fault. I shaved him to the bone, but, you cannot deny, it was the smoothest shave he had ever received.) and my love and I were married, and have been married ever since. 

My wife is my life and I will do anything and everything to protect her, always. I don't know how much clearer I can make it, I killed her father to win her hand, so it should be obvious that I will do anything for her, regardless the consequences. 

This is a picture of my beloved and I on the day we were wed. It is my favorite painting, and this will forever be my favorite day. 

BBC Wales History
Culhwch and Olwen
Wedding Photo

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