Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sir Kay

        My name is Sir Kay. I am King Arthur's foster brother. After Arthur was kidnapped as a baby, my father, Sir Ector, brought Arthur into our family. I am the best, most awesome, and loyal foster brother anyone could ever ask for. I was wrongly accused of sleeping with Queen Guinevere and I would rather die than betray my foster brother. I was among the first to be appointed by King Arthur to be a Knight of the Round Table. I would do anything for my brother, but I am motivated more by self-interest. The most important people in my life are King Arthur, Sir Ector, my wife Andrivete of Northumbri, my two sons Garanwyn and Gronosis, and finally my daughter Kelemon. Bedivere is often my companion along the many difficult quests I take. I will always remain loyal to King Arthur and the other Knights of the Round Table.
        As a Christian Saxon, I am very different from the stereotypical Saxon, although I still exhibit some of their unfriendly characteristics. Some say that I am manipulative but I view it as influencing others decisions to match my own objective. Some say that I am a bully or tormentor but I believe I am helping other individuals meet their full potential. I inspire these men to become heroes by encouraging them to undertake difficult quests. I have a fiery temper and I have a tendency to brag about how awesome I am and all of my achievements.  I mean, I did steal the beard of Dillus the Bearded, help rescue Mabon, and kill Wrnach the Giant. Some say that I work for the good of myself but I believe this to be only partially true as I aided Culhwch in his quest for Olwen’s hand in marriage.
I am one of the three enchanter knights of Britain. I can breathe under water for nine days and nine nights. I can go without sleep for nine days and nine nights. I can grow as tall as I want. My hands are so warm that I can start a fire with them to keep my companions warm. It is impossible to cure a wound from my sword. I am a spectacular knight, but I am not just any knight for I am the count of Anjou. I am the seneschal of King Arthur, (in other words, I am in charge of domestic affairs and oversee the servants at King Arthur's castle).
I value myself above all others but never doubt my loyalty.

-Sir Kay
Sir Kay breaketh his sword at ye Tournament, by Howard Pyle from The Story of King Arthur and His Knights. (1903) 

Lacy, Norris J., and James J. Wilhelm. The Romance of Arthur: An Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation. London: Routledge, 2013. Print. 

Chapters: Lancelot, The Knight of the Cart and Saga of the Mantle 

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