Sunday, January 31, 2016


Greetings fellow Knights and Ladies. I am Meleagant. My father is King Bagdemagus, Ruler of Gorre.
I see Arthur and his ruthless knights for what they truly are, scoundrels and cowards questing only out of selfish greed and greater glory. Neither he nor his knights care what destruction they cause, so long as their glory and reputation are furthered in the process. Look at the desolation wrought from the hunt for the boar Twrch Trwyth. One-fifth of Ireland was laid waste by this hunt alone and for what? To obtain the proper instruments for trimming Ysbaddaden’s hair? Arthur and his knights murder Ysbaddaden in the process of shaving him. If they planned to kill him anyway, why not simply start by killing him before performing such dangerous and costly quests? The answer is clear. Arthur and his knights only went on those quests to increase their fame and win yet greater glory, with no thought as to the consequences. It is time for Arthur and his knights to know that their actions are not without repercussions.
Arthur’s queen, Guinevere, is well known to be the greatest beauty in the land. I am
unloved by many. To make Gorre a great kingdom, I must have not only the love of Gorre but the love of other lands as well. With Guinevere at my side, Gorre could become great. What better way to strike at the heart of Arthur and gain love than to steal his queen? Driven by distain for Arthur and love for Guinevere, I abducted Guinevere and hid her away from Arthur’s knights. Perhaps my methods of obtaining Guinevere’s love were excessive, but they were no worse than those employed by the Pendragon dynasty. Uther himself once waged an entire war over his love.
Rather than pursue me himself, the coward Arthur sent two knights to steal Guinevere back. Arthur’s knights are as traitorous even to him. One of the knights sent to retrieve Guinevere, Lancelot, was driven by his own adulterous love for Guinevere.

 I am unloved even by my own disgustingly honorable father, who offered Lancelot fresh weapons and armor to aid him when Lancelot challenged me to single combat for Guinevere. I am a great warrior. I have even defeated Kay in battle, but Lancelot’s skill is unmatched, save perhaps by Arthur. Therefore, I was forced to resort to underhanded methods to win my victory over Lancelot. Prior to the battle, I invited Lancelot to tour my great castle with me, and then deceived him into falling down a trap door into my dungeons. Tragically, the despicable Lancelot escaped my dungeons by charming my sister.

Being the least loved in my family has resulted to my undoing. If only my sister had remained loyal to me, Guinevere would have been mine and Gorre would be great. Lancelot escaped in time to fight me in single combat. Although I fought valiantly and refused to accept defeat, this battle did not end in my favor. 


Maleagant from wikipedia

Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart from wikipedia (knight and the cart plot summary) (different knight and the cart plot summary) 

 Lacy, Norris J., and James J. Wilhelm. The Romance of Arthur: An Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation. London: Routledge, 2013. Print. 

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