Saturday, January 30, 2016

The White Enchantress

I am Guinevere, Queen of Camelot, and the daughter of the King Leodegrance of Cameliard. My father served Uther Pendragon, who was Arthur's father, and was the only one entrusted with the Round Table. Once Pendragon died, my father was entrusted with the Round Table.

One day, Merlin, a local wizard, came to my father and told him that Arthur would have me as his wife. My father was thrilled that such a worthy king of prowess and noblesse wanted to wed his daughter. My father went on to tell Merlin that he would gift Arthur with the Round Table, along with one hundred knights, since his father had given it to my father. So my father instructed Merlin to bring me to Arthur in London. Arthur was absolutely overjoyed to hear that I was coming and that he was being given the Round Table. 

My name originates from the welsh language translating to "the white enchantress", which undoubtedly suits my personality. Lancelot, one of Arthur's most trusted and noble knights, had stolen my heart. I was absolutely smitten with him the moment I laid eyes on him. The evening before Arthur and I were to be married, Lancelot and I engaged in a secretive, satisfying, yet inappropriate act. I had cheated on my soon to be husband with one of his knights of the Round Table. 

Two sons of King Lot exposed our affair to Arthur, and as you would expect, Arthur was furious. Lancelot fled for his life while Arthur sentenced me to be burned at the stake. Arthur knew Lancelot and his family would try to save me, so Arthur sent his knights to defend the pit in which I was to be executed. Gawain, a knight of the Round Table and one of Arthur's nephews, refused to participate. Lancelot finally arrives to rescue me, but in the process of the rescue, Gawain's brothers were killed, which sent Gawain into a fit of rage. This rage led him to pressure Arthur into a direct confrontation with Lancelot.
Arthur leaves to fight Lancelot in France, and leaves me and the fate of Britain in the care of Mordred, another one of Arthur's nephews. While Arthur was in France, Mordred seized Arthur's kingdom, as Lancelot's men were no longer there to protect it. Mordred then tried taking me for his own, but to prevent him from marrying me, I had gathered some of the most loyal men I knew who hid me inside the walls of the Tower of London, until Arthur could return. Upon his return, Arthur sought to kill Mordred for his treachery, but by this time I had already fled to abbey at Caerleon, where I took a vow to become a nun.
I know this makes me sound like a terrible person, but I'm actually quite noble and friendly. My hopes as I continue pouring my thoughts out onto this blog that you will actually see me for who I am, a kind, gentle, queen.

Wikipedia page & RA

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