Sunday, February 21, 2016

All Sorts of Feels

Fair Maidens and Noble knights, 

Really though. What did I, King Uther Pendragon, just read? The story of Gawain and the Green knight has me feeling all sorts of feels that a mighty king like myself should not be feeling. Just, just no. I am left with so many questions from this story.

1) Did my son, King Arthur, said to have been one of the bravest kings to ever live, allow his nephew to take a challenge for him? Grow a pair, Arthur. When the Green Knight first came, he wanted to challenge you. But no, Gawain volunteered himself (as tribute) and Arthur accepted. Stop being a sissy, boy. You are supposed to be one of the bravest kings to have ever existed, so act like it. I mean I probably would have done the same as Arthur, but I do not have a noble and courageous reputation like him. Expect better from your kids, right? 

2) Why would the Green Knight allow his wife to kiss Gawain? Was it his plan to manipulate the whole situation just so that he might kiss the famous Gawain? Maybe he planned everything out: Went to King Arthur's court on New Years', challenged Arthur knowing the Gawain would step up, have Gawain make the deal and chop his head off, have Gawain pursue him a year later only to have him stay in the castle of strangers (a castle that was green, by the way - open your eyes, Gawain), made another game with Gawain knowing that his wife would go kiss him and try to seduce him, just so that Gawain can share the kiss with him. Very suspicious of the Green Knight, am I right? 

3) Why did Gawain take the girdle without sharing it with the Green Knight? He is supposed to be so noble, yet he withheld promised information. 

4) Why would the Green Knight, knowing that Gawain withheld a prize from him, only cut his neck rather than kill him? Maybe the Green Knight did not even want the girdle because he actually wanted Gawain...

Till next time, 
King Uther Pendragon


  1. Uther,
    Regardless of his decision to allow Gawain to volunteer in place of him, Arthur is still the bravest and most noble man I have ever met. I must admit, however, that Gawain is not the guy I expected to jump up and volunteer. I thought Lancelot would have been the first to say something in response to the Green Knight's strange game request. Not to mention, Gawain should have picked up on some suspicious activity when he was left with the wife of Bercilak while he went hunting. Like, did he really think he was just going to be able to kiss her and get away with it?

  2. Father,

    Everyone knows what would of happened if I accepted that challenge. You have to make the story a little more interesting somehow, so Lancelot and I decided to sit this one out. I am sorry I let you down, but when you have a reputation like mine, you don't have to take every challenge you receive. That may be different for you considering you're not the bravest king to rule a kingdom.

    - King Arthur
