As many of you have done as well, I have heard the tale of my charming Sir Lancelot and his quest to retrieve that harlot Guinevere. Of course, I am in awe of how valiant and brave my wonderful knight is, and he is a prime example of how a knight should act.

That is, however, what I would say had he not COMMITTED ADULTERY by sleeping with Guinevere, whom we all know belongs to KING ARTHUR. In my book, there is absolutely nothing worse than an adulterous fiend, and my heart breaks a million times whenever I think of my love committing such a disturbing act.
He should have known better! He obviously knew what he was doing was wrong, and of course, he went and did it anyway. Are the lusts of the flesh truly so strong that you would completely ignore the rules of society in search of a minute of "happiness?"
I know he doesn't really love her. He can't, when I'm sitting here loving him despite the massive mistake he has made. Guinevere is married. To King Arthur. I am as alone as ever, and I'm just longing for the day when he will realize I am the one for him.
I commend his gallantry and unrelenting determination, but I have to say that I am extremely disappointed in his acts of adultery and infidelity. I would have expected so much more of him.
Until next time, beauties. Hopefully I will have a more positive topic to talk about. I apologize for my incessant need to vent about this issue.
Love and lilies,
Elaine of Astolat
I understand your need to vent. Loving a man who loves another hurts. When I consider the name that you called the queen, I cannot entirely disagree. She was certainly the aggressor that fateful night. Lancelot should have known better indeed. Even though he is a single man, he owes his allegiance to his king. Do you think the lovers are guilty of treason? You say that you love Lancelot anyway, but maybe it is time for you to move on to someone who will appreciate you.
ReplyDeleteI am 100% right there with ya girlfriend. What Lancelot did was so wrong it blows my mind to think that he was Arthur's knight. I know I for one would never think about sleeping with his wife even if she is pretty hot. However looks should not get in the way of a marriage!! I agree with you, Lancelot really disappointed me when I heard of this act, and so did Guinevere. I'll be rooting for you in this love triangle thing going on here...
Balin (One of the best knights who would never do such a thing)
You ask why Sir Lancelot ignored the rules of society for Lady Guinevere. I think the answer is related to power. When our Round Table last met, we discussed the strange balance of power between Lady Guinevere and Sir Lancelot. Many of the romances of our time see the Knight with the power to direct the Lady. But this time the Lady was Queen Guinevere and she is as powerful as she is beautiful. Conversely, love seems to be the one weakness of the otherwise invincible Sir Lancelot. These two are truly a lethal combination.
ReplyDeleteFear not Lady Elaine, some day your prince will come.
Stay Strong,
Lady Bertilak
I wonder if tis love that Lancealot feels. For he only know satisfaction after he spent the knight with Guinevere. 'Tis disappointing indeed, for how could he betray his King and friend Arthur. The act of this, unfortunately, does not truly resemble that of a knight which we all dream of. However the love and passion that he showed her is enough to swoon any fair young lady. Yet let us not forget Milady Guinevere knew what she was doing and continued with it. Perhaps it doesn't fall all on Lancelot. Yet, despite these times, I wish you luck in your journey for love.
ReplyDeleteI am deeply sorry for your betrayal my lady, but what can you expect when one gives in to desires of the flesh? Nothing but pain and deceit can come from such impurity. Alas that my own father would be guilty of this adultery. Turn to the Lord in these trying times, and remain steadfast in your faith. For God will reward you for remaining pure throughout such hardship.
ReplyDeleteYour servant,
Sir Galahad
Think on this before you do anything drastic. Guinevere is obviously married. Lancelot is incredibly honorable. By Gods, he's a knight. There must be another explanation. Magic, possibly? I have known Lancelot for quite some time. We've fought and killed together. I refuse to believe Lancelot would knowingly betray you. You two are in love and if it's anything like Olwen and I, there is nothing I wouldn't do for her, and nothing that I would do to upset her. It will get better.
ReplyDeleteWith honor,