Guinevere must have been hott
Although I'm sure it has good reason, I find Lancelot's infatuation with Guinevere almost strange. He bravely wins the heart of a local beauty along the way and after she begs to sleep with him, he simply lies down and turns a cheek, only to tell her it would be better if she were to go. A choice that almost questions whether he can love a woman at all. Yet, when he finds a lock of the queen's hair, he practically faints and cannot help himself from holding the hair close to him and worshiping it like some sort of treasure. But alas, though his actions may be those of an odd man, he defeated many arrogant and selfish nights throughout his journey. Not one stood a fair chance against sir Lancelot.

He fought through many obstacles including those delinquents of the Sword Bridge but eventually prevailed and made it to Gorre only to find that lady Guinevere is angry at him. He has risked his life and traveled many miles to save this woman and she responds ungrateful. Typically queen. My brothers wife would behave the same way. I give them food for the month and I don't even receive thanks. When he returns after finding Gaiwan then she confesses her disappointment and wants to be freed. For I can only hope that my daughter will never act in such a way, but, I know Olwen has been raised by the best, and her rearing would not lead her to be so disrespectful. I feel sorry for Sir Lancelot in that throughout his quest, his battles are often interrupted, whether it be by the merciful cries of his enemies, the stern father of an arrogant knight, or even the King Bademagu whom interrupts his duel against the wicked Méléagant. Lancelot deserves closure whether it be with his sword, or with his, well you know, love affairs.
Ysbaddaden the Giant
The Romance of Arthur
It may not seem as though my love for Lancelot is true, but I assure you that I would rather die than live without him. Sure, I may have been rather hard on him about certain things, one being his hesitation to get in the cart with that dwarf, but I did it to protect my own heart. I had to be sure he was devoted to me. I must admit, I was unaware of his infatuation with my hair from that old brush he found, but that is rather flattering. Maybe I'll invite him over again soon.
ReplyDeleteYours truly,
It may not seem as though my love for Lancelot is true, but I assure you that I would rather die than live without him. Sure, I may have been rather hard on him about certain things, one being his hesitation to get in the cart with that dwarf, but I did it to protect my own heart. I had to be sure he was devoted to me. I must admit, I was unaware of his infatuation with my hair from that old brush he found, but that is rather flattering. Maybe I'll invite him over again soon.
ReplyDeleteYours truly,
Although it may seem as though my love for Guinevere is strange, I can assure you that I would do anything for her.(and I do me anything) I can also assure you that I have loved nothing more in this world, and my actions have always been, and always will be because she is my passion and reason for doing all that I have done. However, I am appreciative of your words of kindness and I am grateful that you believe I deserve some closure, but the only closure I need is that of Guinevere.
ReplyDeleteYours truly,
Ysbaddaden I thought I killed you! If you are not dead that must mean my beloved Olwen is no longer mine. We will "speak" of this later, and by speak I mean fight to the death! However, that is not what I am here to speak of. I have fought with Lancelot and he is one of the bravest of the brave. Not as brave as I, but brave, nonetheless. Should you doubt his efforts or the motivation behind them, just come to me and I will redirect your face *ehem* you to his true path so you may doubt him no more.
Ysbaddaden I thought I killed you! If you are not dead that must mean my beloved Olwen is no longer mine. We will "speak" of this later, and by speak I mean fight to the death! However, that is not what I am here to speak of. I have fought with Lancelot and he is one of the bravest of the brave. Not as brave as I, but brave, nonetheless. Should you doubt his efforts or the motivation behind them, just come to me and I will redirect your face *ehem* you to his true path so you may doubt him no more.