Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Green Knight is Kind of a Scary Guy

I remember the day the Green Knight came to court.  We were all enjoying a lovely Christmas dinner and then in walks this huge green man who wants someone to strike him with an axe.  I thought it was all over when Gawain cut off his head, but then the Green Knight did this:

What the hell?!  image from
I mean that's horrifying, right?  How does one simply pick up his own head and ride away?  I don't know how Gawain means to get himself out of this one.  I do think it was a little dishonorable for the Green Knight to not disclose his supernatural abilities.  I guess we should have known something was off though, I mean the man was huge and green and you don't see that everyday.

Unless it's this guy Image From
This story is certainly full of excitement and, though I always enjoy reading it, it does get a bit bogged down with descriptions.  I imagine that if a storyteller were to come to court and tell the tale for us it would be different hearing it than it is trying to read it.  Though I am familiar with how the tale ends, I can't wait to revisit its conclusion!



  1. Tristan,
    I admire your illustrations. Green is my favorite color, and if you knew my identity, you would not be surprised. Of course I have magical powers, but does that make me evil? Remember that I was carrying a sprig of holly in the other hand. That should send a message of peace to all who were present. Maybe my storyteller exaggerated just a little in order to provide the entertainment that King Arthur craved. My magical powers, revealed or not, should not make a difference to a truly noble and courageous knight. I am looking forward to meeting Sir Gawain again.

  2. Tristan,
    I have to agree with Bercilak on the illustrations provided, the green giant was absolutely spot on. But I also could not agree with you more. Bercilak should have told Gawain of these powers he possessed before letting him cut his head off. It definitely would have saved me and the other ladies the fright of seeing his head roll around on the ground. The holly may have been his way of telling us that though, because holly is a symbol of eternal life. I just hope Gawain has a good plan for the next time he and the green knight meet.

  3. Tristan,
    I have to agree with Bercilak on the illustrations provided, the green giant was absolutely spot on. But I also could not agree with you more. Bercilak should have told Gawain of these powers he possessed before letting him cut his head off. It definitely would have saved me and the other ladies the fright of seeing his head roll around on the ground. The holly may have been his way of telling us that though, because holly is a symbol of eternal life. I just hope Gawain has a good plan for the next time he and the green knight meet.

  4. Tristan,

    I 100% agree with you on the fact the green knight is a horrifying man. It's not every day that you see a man get his head cut off and then ride away like it was nothing. I mean a lot of weird things do happen in Camelot but this has got to be top five. It is odd to think about how every crazy story begins with King Arthur and his court drinking alcohol, am I right? Not taking anything away from these wonderful people but at what point do you think they will learn to quit partying? However I cannot wait to find out the rest of the story.

    Good day,

  5. Any man who can pick up his head after having it chopped off would be enough to strike fear into the bravest of men. I am not sure how Sir Gawain will make it out of this one. Though there is no man that cannot be killed one best hope they find that before they are killed themselves. Though Gawain does not show fear while he waits for the day to come when he shall face the Green Knight I believe he has no cowardice when the time comes and he simply wants to keep his life for the future.
