Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lancelot- Ever the Fool

Lancelot just cannot keep himself out of tournaments. At every tournament, Lancelot goes incognito and proves his strength yet again. This time others in the melee at least had suspicions as to the identity of the knight they were fighting. I was once defeated by Lancelot, so I know better than anyone the uncanny power of his blows. Whenever there is a knight who clearly surpasses all others, the only possible person it could be is Lancelot. Lancelot himself must have finally noticed the repetitiveness of his antics, so he further disguised himself by wearing the token from the Maiden of Astolat. This same guy was taken in by a clearly malicious dwarf…  Since when does Lancelot have any brains? Lancelot is known for being valiant, but not typically coming up with any ideas. He knows his way around a sword, but typically lacks my cunning. To betray Guinevere by wearing a token just to increase his disguise seems very out of character for the same man who quested so irrationally for Guinevere in Knight of the Cart. Of course we see his attempt at being clever come back to haunt him, but it was a worthy attempt nonetheless.
            Guinevere has a tantrum at the thought of Lancelot wearing another someone else’s token. She knew Lancelot was gravely injured in the tournament and was close to death, but she just ranted about him wearing the token. Here again we see the disproportionality of her love and Lancelot’s love. Lancelot would rather himself be dead than displease Guinevere, yet Guinevere is perfectly happy to see Lancelot run through with a spear because he wore poorly-chosen disguise. I can only say that I am happy to have been rid of her insanity and that I am extremely glad she is not my queen.

Unfortunately, Lancelot does not see a perfect opportunity when it is dangling right in front of him. Here is his chance to marry a decent girl who loves him properly (even a bit excessively) and to rid himself of Guinevere’s lunacy forever. But no… The fool stays loyal to the mad queen and inadvertently causes the death of Elaine by not returning her love. Lancelot remains ever bound by his love and blinded by his own stupidity. As I said, better Guinevere be his problem than mine.


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