Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Piece of Work

Noble Knights and Fair Maidens, 

This Maiden of Astolat sure is a piece of work, amiright? She falls in love with Lancelot (as many do), but of course he does not return her feelings. This man is already in love with another (#Lancevere for the win). In her story, Elaine spends so much time longing to be with Lancelot and he only realizes her beauty when she is dead - how tragic. I personally pity her for longing after someone who does not love her in return. She shoulda just found a wizard to help her like I did. 

Even though Lancelot knew he had the affection of this maiden, he never once returned it. His love for Guinevere is just too strong.
Lancelot knows the Maiden of Astolat loves him and uses it to his advantage. How rude is that? Very. Come on boy. You know I am a fan of yours but this is just down right low – and that’s saying something coming from me. This maiden does not have much and when she shows love for you, you simply manipulate it to your advantage.

I completely understand this maiden’s sorrow of being in love with someone who loves another, as I was once in that position. It is me, though, so naturally I got what I wanted and my lovely wife was mine. Elaine just needs to be more cunning in this form. She needs to make Lancelot love her back and do whatever it takes to do so, if she truly does love him, that is. It was only at her deathbed that Lancelot even acknowledged her beauty. Oh well, he is missing out on this one! Many men dream of finding a woman who loves him whole-heartedly and unconditionally.

Till next time,

King Uther Pendragon 

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