Monday, March 14, 2016

Greetings all. I am here to tell the story of none other than..... You guessed it, me! I know that many of you have heard things about me so I am just here to clear the air and spread the truth about my life. I was born half devil and half God. So yes, I do have character traits of both, but I do lean more towards the side of God. My full name is Merlin Ambrosius, and I am a wizard, and the advisor of none other than King Arthur (although he does not always listen to me). I am the one who predicted the unprecidented events involving Lancelot and Guinevere, and I had fore warned Arthur long before this happened. I guess the moral of this story would be to listen to my prophesies and take them into account before you make big life decisions, such as getting married. I have indeed been known to shape shift. I do this in order to change perception on things. Sometimes I am an ugly man in the forest of northumberland, sometimes I am a peasant dressed in peasant clothing. I have the ability to change the way people think, and that is what I would say Is the purpose of my creation. Remember be weary, because you never know where or what I'll be next.....

Until next time,



  1. Greetings, Merlin.

    It is I, Lancelot, and it goes without saying that you have played a major role in my friend King Arthur's life. I know I never had a chance with Guinevere, being that she was married to Arthur, but as you know I truly love her and cannot supress my feelings for her.

    Anyway, I greatly appreciate everything you have done for Arthur and I and you are a great man.

    Until next time,


  2. Merlin,

    I do believe the saying "respect your elders" fits very well in this self-description. Arthur is a great knight and leader, however he should take your advice more often than not. You know because you told him that I am one of the most brave knights and all... anyway I find it very intriguing that you were born half devil and half God especially because most of the stories I have heard of you are good!

    Farewell for now,

  3. I am not entirely sure this story has very much to do with you...You did predict many of the things that happened to Camelot, but where were you in King Arthur's moment of need? You are a great wizard, but like many legends, you are perhaps better in the stories. Please do not turn me into a frog.
    -Lady Bertilak
