Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
I am Sir Galahad, knight of the Round Table and seeker of
the Holy Grail. And although it pains me to introduce myself as such, I am the illegitimate
son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic. However, I was raised by my great aunt,
an abbess, at a nunnery. It was here that my great faith and purity were
instilled in me. When I came of age, I met my father, Lancelot, who knighted me
at a convent.

My greatest calling came to me that night of Pentecost when
I and the knights of the Round Table were granted a vision of the Holy Grail.
Although the King also granted the quest to Sir Bors and Sir Percival, it is
clear that I and I alone am worthy of the grail. As such, I mostly traveled on
my own, except to save Sir Percival and finally reach the Grail. Oh how
glorious it was to lay eyes on the Grail at long last! Upon finding the Holy
Grail, I am given one final charge: to take the Grail to the city of Sarras.
On our way back to Camelot, I am granted one final vision.
Joseph of Aramathea, from whom I trace my lineage, visits me and I request to
die. Having completed my task here on earth, my request is granted and I ascend
with the angels to heaven. Never again will there be a knight worthy of the
Yours in Christ,
Sir Galahad
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