Sunday, January 31, 2016

King Arthur’s Greatest Champion

    Greetings my fellow nights of the Round Table and supporters of the great King Arthur! I am Lancelot, also known as the father of Galahad, and I am considered by many as Arthur’s greatest and most loyal knight.  King Arthur and I have been through much together, and I played a major role in many of Arthur's legendary achievements.  Although I have been hesitant on revealing my past, I believe the time is right for me to tell a slice of my life, and so, here it is. 
Lancelot Biography

       I am the son of King Ban of Benwick and my mother, Queen Elaine. 
When I was a mere infant, my father was driven from his kingdom.  It is unclear, to this day, the reason why.  It could've' been because of revolts by his own subjects, as a result of his own harshness, or most likely, because of actions of one of his greatest enemies, Claudas de la Deserte.  And so, the story goes that my mother and father fled the kingdom, taking me with them.  However, it was on that fateful journey that my life would change forever.  During the journey, my father died of a broken heart, and while my mother tended to him, I was taken by a friendly water-fairy, the Lady of the Lake, also known as  Prithee, and she brought me to a mysterious kingdom. It was there that I discovered my cousins, Lionel and Bohort, who had also been driven from their kingdom by Claudas. This was Arthur's court, and it was here, at the behest of Sir Gawain, that I became a night.
  By the time I reached the customary age, which was fifteen, I had acquired all the skills necessary to go out into the world, and so I did.  

      Now, there are those who believe there was conflict between Arthur and me when it came to Guinevere, but the truth is that although I indeed fell in love with her, I never let it effect my relationship with Arthur.  He and Guinevere were truly the most important people in my life and I would never do anything to harm them.  In fact, one of my first adventures was rescuing Guinevere from Arthur's enemy Meleagant.   

    People often wonder what motivated me the most when fighting in battles or going on quests, and I undoubtedly would say that taking back my father's kingdom is the achievement of which I am most proud of. We also managed to defeat Claudas, and I have great pride in knowing that I was able to avenge my father's death in that way.

    Lastly, I would like to close by sharing what I value most.  The things I believe are of the upmost importance are loyalty, courage and trust.  That is how I want to be remembered.  Whenever I was with Arthur, I always felt a great sense of strength and bravery because I knew he trusted me, which gave me the strength I needed to take on any task.  I used to believe in working for self-recognition or self-worth, but Arthur taught me to always fight for the good of others and to look beyond yourself.  

And that, my dear friends, is my tale. 




Knight of the Cart

Morte D' Arthur





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