I am the Chief Giant, Ysbaddaden, son of Anlawdd. Some may know me as Hawthorn or Whitehorn. I reside in my great fort in which I cannot be harmed nor reached. It is the greatest fort in the land, the size of which none of you have ever known. Its walls are a hundred feet tall, its gate made of the strongest steel, and no man can escape the eyes of its tower guards. Breaching its walls is a task achievable by no mortal man. Even if you somehow got in, you would quickly be impaled by my deadly spears. Although I am growing old, I have many servants and guards to help me protect my fortress. They are my eyes outside of the fort, as gravity has taken a toll on my vision. My ever so quickly sagging eyelids blind me unless I am aided by my vision forks to prop them up.

Outside this grand fort of mine is my dull brother, Custennin. He herds sheep across the plains. What a lonesome job a shepherd is, his sheep are his only friends. The sheep and that witch wife of his. What a nag she is. In fact, such a nag, that I had to slay twenty three of her sons. While that may seem excessive, you must know that she really is a grumpy old hag. She and my brother had twenty four sons, all of which I would have slain, but the worst of them got away, Goreu. But, I have a feeling him and I will meet again someday.
I do not care much for my brother. I have invested all of it to my beautiful daughter Olwen. What a name Olwen is. You must love it. Why pick such a name you ask? Well il tell you. You see my daughter is so gentle and sweet that white flowers grow in her footprints, so I named her Olwen, which means "white footprint." Special, isnt it. The sad part is she would make a wonderful bride, but if a man should marry her, it is destined that I will perish. So she must remain single as long as I am her living guardian. No matter how badly that fool Culhwch would like to win her heart. For even if he wants to try to wed her, I will assign him a multitude of impossible tasks to accomplish that would take even a great man several lifetimes to complete.
Stay away from my daughter
The Romance of Arthur
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