Sunday, March 13, 2016

On Unrequited Love

I can certainly relate to loving someone you cannot be with.  My beautiful Iseult is married to another and I have to be satisfied with secret trysts.  So The Fair Maid of Astolat really resonated with me.

Ain't it the truth...Image From
The Fair Maid of Astolat was ill-used by Lancelot.  He knew what she would expect from him once he accepted her token and he should have been more up front with her regarding his reasons for taking it.  Better yet, he shouldn't have taken it in the first place.  He may be the best of all the living knights but this is quite dishonorable.  All she wanted was for Lancelot to love her.
She would have been an excellent choice for marriage too.  She was beautiful and kind.  She nursed him back to health when he was wounded in battle.  Really she reminds me of my lady Iseult, though Iseult is surely more beautiful, more kind and a much better healer.  Surely Lancelot should have been happy to have her.  Instead he remains hung up on our queen.  It is sad that he couldn't wake up and see what was standing in front of him.  Perhaps he could have been happy with her if he'd given it a chance.


1 comment:

  1. Tristan,
    Your points are well taken. I have been wondering why Lancelot remains with Guinevere, when she is so mean to him. I wish Lancelot had asked for my advice about Elaine and especially about fighting in the tournament in disguise. Lancelot should have been completely frank with Elaine, knowing that she would have misunderstood his wearing her token. She was an innocent child, and Lancelot is older and more worldly. However, I don't believe that Lancelot should marry anyone. I am certain that he could not be faithful to a wife; their marriage would be a fraud. Keep dreaming my friend.
