Sunday, March 13, 2016

These Maidens are wild out here

Hello, to all of the knights, fair maidens and known enemies of Camelot. We have quite a unique story in front of us all. Let me begin by just saying that Lancelot isn’t the best of knights, yet he still somehow is viewed as THE best one. It’s a pity because we all know that he has been secretly seeing Guinevere in the midst of night and Arthur still allows this man to be his “best” knight. I too wonder if King Arthur will ever become aware of the affair in which his beloved wife and best knight are having between each other. He may choose to look away in order to maintain composure and make it seem as if all is well in his kingdom or he may just be as dumb as I think he is. But let us get back to the story, I for one feel sorry for the Fair Maiden of Astolat. Lancelot may seem appealing to most women due to his appearances, fighting abilities and many more attributes, but this particular woman absolutely adored him. Personally I am jealous, Lancelot does next to nothing and still continues to attract the attention of all women young or old, beautiful or not. Regardless of the fact they all see the exterior of his persona. Little do they know or even choose not to care about is the fact that this man is sneaky, inconsiderate, and un-loyal to those his is supposed to care for most. 

For instance this poor maiden adores him she expresses these feelings to him and he uses it to his advantage knowing that his heart lies with another women. Another thing to add onto that is the women that he “loves” is already a married women and is not available and to make matters worse it is the king’s wife. It is Camelot’s queen. Hell it is my love and queen and I am sure that many other feel the same way as well. With this being said I just find it asinine for any woman to take interest in Sir Lancelot. He is simply finessing his way through life in regard to battles and women. 

It is unfair that he receives all this attention from people due to his great reputation. I wonder how these women would feel if they caught onto his scheme. I for one would not have let that women starve herself because I did not want to be with her. How that would have been avoided I am unsure, but it seemed as if Lancelot wasn’t pressed about it and ironically this women this fair maiden was extremely pressed. I plan to get Guinevere after Lancelot so in the meantime if he is going to refuse a women’s attention and love I can occupy her until my chance to get Guinevere arrives. The point im trying to get at is Lancelot has everyone fooled and he is simply doing everything and anything that he wishes. 

Until next time fraands (or not)
-          Mordred

P.S. seriously though Fair Maiden of Astolat come through  


  1. Mordred,
    I wouldn't mind getting my battle-ax on you. Your complaints about Lancelot are based on jealousy, so you overlook his good qualities. If you had been at the tournament wearing the red token instead of Lancelot, would you have spared the lives of Sir Bors, Sir Ector, and Sir Lyonel when they attacked you all at once? I suspect not. When Guinevere is finally yours, I wonder if she will be kinder to you than she is to Lancelot? Do you think she is capable of the depth of love that Lancelot feels? Are you?

  2. I too feel sorry for the poor maiden however, is this not a story about impossible love. Like Sir Lancelot, the maiden is unable to gain the one she loves. I think it was a big insult to the poor madian to take the sleeve only to disguse himself, if that was his plan why did he not share it and not allow for the girl's hopes to be raised. This story does very little to answer the questions posed by many of the readers, it is left up to much interpretation.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think things are rather unfair as well... Lancelot does almost everything wrong! It seems all the fair knight is good for is swinging his sword or stabbing people with his lance. Regardless of how many chances he is given, Lancelot always slides back. How can anyone trust a knight that has such a lack of self control?
    -Lady Bertilak
