Monday, March 14, 2016

Still Waiting

My fair lords and ladies,

I'm glad all of you now understand what I've been babbling about for the past few weeks. I am absolutely, irrevocably in love with Sir Lancelot, and I will never stop loving him, despite the fact that I want to. Do you really think that I like subjecting myself to the embarrassment and shame I feel whenever someone hears about my minuscule affair with one of the knights of the round table? Of course not! Do you think I like being the "dead chick with lilies floating down the river"? Hell no! But I fell in love with the wrong man. Of course, I am the only one at fault; I should have known that someone like Sir Lancelot would never give someone like me the time of day. But I was stupid, and I let my emotions get the best of me, like I always do. Where am I now? Floating in a boat down the river. I'm basically a floating display of unrequited love for the townspeople to gawk at. Not exactly the happy ending I was hoping for. Don't fall in love kids, you'll never recover from the broken heart you'll most definitely obtain from your efforts. Get a puppy or something. They're a million times better.

Until next time friends, I'll see you around the river bend.

Love and lilies,
Elaine of Astolat


  1. Elaine of Astolat,
    I did not realize you could become this desperate. It does not surprise me Lancelot messed with your emotions, he did the same with me. Lancelot has had a lot of troubles with love in the past, but your emotions should not have been the reason for your death! Your despair will be missed. Float in peace.

    King Arthur

    - King Arthur

  2. Dear Elaine,
    My heart goes out to you. You have suffered for love of Lancelot, but he has suffered, too. He could not give you what he does not possess. Queen Guinevere has his heart, but she is cruel to him. He is caught in a trap and knows it. But because he is a noble knight, he would not lie to you and pretend to love you. That would have grieved you more. I would have liked to know you, you were an angel here and now you are an angel in heaven. Sir Lancelot needs the love of a sweet-natured lass like you more than ever as he faces one crisis after another. Watch over him.

  3. Dear Elaine,

    I do not believe that you deserved a death this heart wrenching. As Arthur said, it does not shock me that Lancelot was the one to mess up your emotions, it seems thats what he is best at. I am not saying that you aren't a floating display... but at least you looked hot while doing it. I mean you got Lancelot's attention finally, right? Hopefully he will realize all that he missed with you.

    Rest in peace,


  4. Elaine of Astolat,

    You are not entirely to blame. It is not your fault for the decisions that your heart makes. No one can control thier heart and who it falls in love with. It was Sir Lancelot that lead you on and allowed for you to fall so deeply in love with him, because of the acceptance of the sleeve in which you offered him. I know the loss of a great love but a new love came along and filled the void and I gained amazing children from it. There is always something good that will happen even though everything looks gray.


  5. I agree with Igerna in that I do not think you are at fault. I think that the majority of the blame can be placed on the world in which we poor ladies have been born. We are sheltered in our youths, and never taught to tell the difference between real love and a dishonorable knight looking after his own interests. Chin up dear! By all reports, you died because of your unfortunate encounter with love. If you can survive that, you can do anything!
    -Lady Bertilak
