Monday, April 4, 2016

King Arthur: Old Age

My Kingdom of Camelot,

As you may have heard my life is near the end.  I have lead this kingdom to the best of my ability.  Camelot has become now the kingdom to live in and a new generation of young intelligent Knights will be joining the court, and I know Camelot will still thrive. 
Suspicion, fear, possession, greed, resentment and ancestral wrongs.  I have taught many of you these reasons for war, and now it is your turn to take over the Excalibur.  I have fought in many battles and have come to realize how complicated and complex the reasons can be, but we need to find the cure of war.  I have a lot of faith in my knights and I believe that they will fight for all the right reasons.  We need to bring peace to this world by using our strength for the right reasons, and we can accomplish that.

As for my wife Guinevere, I just want you to be happy.  Although there are many stories about you sharing your love for Lancelot, I have learned to live with that.  No matter what the rumors are, I love my wife very much.  Some people of my kingdom have questioned my strength of leadership in the past because of the situation with Guinevere.  But I hope now I have proven to everybody that I am firm leader and was never distracted by Lancelot and Guinevere.

Being the king of Camelot has always been my destiny.  I have been working at this since my father sent me away to Merlin.  I have tried to make not only them proud, but the people of my kingdom as well.  I expect all of you to follow my lead, use our strength as a kingdom the right way and try to bring balance to this world.

Farewell my people,

King Arthur


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am quite confused about how I should react to your decision regarding Lancelot and Guinevere. I understand you care deeply for her but the law is the law. I just want my brother to be happy but I want to stand by the laws. I think Guinevere's decision to stay and help you was a good way to repent for her sins. Lancelot is just a different story entirely.

    Sir Kay

  3. King Arthur,
    I understand your misguided goal of achieving a peaceful kingdom where might is only used for right. Of course, I have never related to this need for honor and fairness; a ruler should do whatever is necessary to benefit his own glory.
    I also feel obligated to reveal a solution to Lancelot's situation which you did not seem to consider. Knowing that only the death of the brothers would drive Gawaine and Arthur to pursue Lancelot so relentlessly, Mordred likely killed them and simply blamed Lancelot. You should have investigated this scenario.


  4. I agree you have ruled Camelot well Sir Arthur, but I'm not so sure you've handled your marital affairs quite the same. It is a shame your best knight has fallen madly in love with your wife and that you are quite old these days but, none the less I dont think that means you can't find a way to cut off his head. After all, you are the "Great King Arthur."


  5. I agree that we should be focusing on fairness and equality going forward without our king. Might should not be used to push around the less fortunate and we should strive for equal odds and brotherhood, just like we would in a tournament. Bullying and using our strength to force people to submit to our will is never the answer.

  6. My brave king,
    I am sorry, but I don't understand why you cannot just KILL GUINEVERE. She is obviously causing you great distress and really serves no purpose here but to turn Lancelot against absolutely everyone he loves and holds dear to his heart, like me. And you, of course, but mostly me. So really, the only rational response to his infidelity with your wife is to cut off her head. It's as simple as that. If you don't want to use Excalibur, that's cool, I'm sure my father has a spare blade I can lend you. Better yet, just let me do it. That way you don't have to get your hands dirty or deal with any of that emotional baggage that would probably come as a result of you taking care of things. I'm totally fine with it, just let me do it. You know where to find me; I'm always outside Lancelot's bedroom door just after dusk. I'll be waiting there for you.
    Love and lilies,
    Elaine of Astolat

  7. Ysbaddaden makes a great point. Arthur you were smart as King which is where the majority of my jealousy and hatred derives from. However your wife is gorgeous and I am madly in love with her. If you wanna keep messing that up and find a way to rid of Lancelot I would appreciate because she'll then come running to me


  8. My dearest Arthur,

    I had to stop hearing some of your last thoughts to re-coordinate my own thoughts when I read, " it is your turn to take over the Excalibur." This statement gives me chills - what a unique way of combining the symbolism of Excalibur with the legendary concepts associated with your disappearance from society.

    I also admire how you call for a "cure" and for "balance." In that way, you avoid blaming anyone or anything for the problems in society and focus only on fixing them to achieve peace. To add to my appreciation of your wisdom, I could not agree more with your perspective on Guinevere's relationship with Lancelot.

    You are a King in all definitions of the title necessary for this point in time, and I know you will remain relative in that way for every point in time to come.

    -Your Lady of the Lake
